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Build and run from source code


This method of installation are recommended for Advanced Users.


These are the recommended requirements to run AI Verify.


Recommended Requirements
Operating System Ubuntu 22.04 (64-bit)
Disk Space At least 3GB
Memory At least 4GB
Free Space At least 3GB of available space


We do not officially provide support for Windows. For Windows developers, AI Verify requires minimally Windows 10 with WSL2. Please note that we have not conducted tests on Windows 10. Please follow instructions to set up WSL2 here if you still wish to proceed.

Software Requirements

Software Recommended Version
NodeJs v18.x
Python v3.11
MongoDB* v6.x


If you already have MongoDB, you are required to execute these steps.

$ mongosh

aiverify = db.getSiblingDB('aiverify')

   user: 'aiverify',
   pwd: 'aiverify',
   roles: [{ role: 'readWrite', db: 'aiverify' }],

Install AI Verify

  1. Download from Github Release.

  2. Unzip

  3. Your folder structure should look like this.

    <working directory>/
    ├── setup-aiverify/
        ├── aiverify-user 
        └── aiverify-dev

  4. Open a Terminal in the directory
  5. Execute the script by executing the following code.
    cd aiverify-dev #navigate to the folder created
  6. If MongoDB is not installed on your system, you will be prompted to enter a new DB Admin User and DB Admin Password for MongoDB. You will also be prompted to create DB AIVerify Username and DB AIVerify Password. Once done, skip step 7 and proceed with the rest of the installation.
  7. If MongoDB is already installed on your system, you will be prompted with the following: Mongodb detected, have you created the db and user required by aiverify?. If yes, input y and proceed to input DB AIVerify Username and DB AIVerify Password. If no, input n and proceed to the Warning step above to create the AI Verify Username and AI Verify Password in MongoDB.
  8. Wait for the setup to finish. Do observe the logs for errors.

Start AI Verify

Redis and MongoDB

Redis and MongoDB are installed as system services, and should already be running. Execute the following code to check that the services are running.

sudo systemctl status redis
sudo systemctl status mongod

If they are not running, execute these code to run them:

sudo systemctl start redis
sudo systemctl start mongod

AI Verify Modules

AI Verify modules are configured as system services. To ensure AI Verify modules are running, following the instruction below to run each of the required services.

Your folder structure should look like this.

<working directory>/
├── aiverify-dev/
    ├── aiverify/
      ├── test-engine-app/
      ├── ai-verify-apigw/
      ├── ai-verify-portal/
      └── ...


# Open a new terminal window #
cd aiverify
source venv/bin/activate
cd test-engine-app
python3 -m test_engine_app


# Open a new terminal window #
cd aiverify/ai-verify-apigw
node app.mjs


# Open a new terminal window #
cd aiverify/ai-verify-portal
npm run start


By default, ai-verify-portal listens on port 3000. If you have changed the port or if you set up a different hostname other than 'localhost' for the app, update the value of ALLOWED_ORIGINS in aiverify/ai-verify-apigw/.env and restart ai-verify-apigw. To add a hostname, add behind the existing hostname like this: ALLOWED_ORIGINS:http://localhost:3000,http://localhost:4000,http(s):<your hostname>:<port>. Replace <hostname> with your actual hostname and <port> with your actual port number. Ensure no spaces between commas.

Running AI Verify


Upon initial start-up of the toolkit, pages might take sometime to load.

  1. Once all the services are up and running, open your browser and type localhost:3000 in the address bar. You should see the AI Verify home page appears and will be able to access its functions. aiverify-home