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In this step-by-step tutorial, we will walk you through how you can test your AI Model and generate a report that aligns with the AI Verify Testing Framework.

If you do not have the input files ready on hand, you can use these sample files for this tutorial:

AI Model This is a binary classification model that is trained on mock credit risk dataset. sample_bc_credit_sklearn_linear.LogisticRegression.sav Download Here
Test Dataset This is a sample tabular dataset which we will be using as the testing dataset, ground truth dataset, and background dataset. sample_bc_credit_data.sav Download Here

These sample files are based on a mock Credit Risk use case. We train a binary classification model to predict whether an applicant will default the loan using mock data.

If you have not setup and run AI Verify, follow this guide. Then, start AI Verify (http://localhost:3000/home)